Accepted Regular Abstracts

14.Atrial/supraventricular arrhythmia (basic)
Receipt no.First nameLast nameAbstract title
10296MegumiAimotoAldosterone is a Strong Biological Mediator for Induction of AF in Rats with Pathological Condition of Chronic Volume Overload
11969TakeshiKatoCardio-hepatic Interactions in Atrial Fibrillation
12096IchitaroAbeDeletion of Ghrelin Exacerbates High Fat Diet-mediated Atrial Remodeling and Fibrillation
12639NorihiroUedaThe Role of Calmodulin Kinase in Atrial Fibrillation Caused by Acute Atrial Stretch
12847MasayukiTakanoSpleen Regulates M1/M2 macrophage Homeostasis by the Recruitment of Dendritic Cells in Pressure-overloaded Rat Heart
12907TazuruIgarashiLinagliptin Suppresses Atrial Electrical and Structural Remodeling in Canine Model of Atrial Fibrillation.
12961HidekazuKondoRivaroxaban Attenuates Vulnerability to Atrial Fibrillation Exacerbated by Pressure Overload via Suppresion of Protease Activated Receptor-2 Activation by Factor Xa
13116YosukeHayashiThe genotype of SNPs related whether ectopy is from pulmonary veins or others in atrial fibrillation